As children we spend an incredible amount of time trying to fit in, wearing our hair like our peers, talking like them, being like the cool guy at school, following everybody else.
For that reason, probably one of the most terrifying experiences at school is being labelled as “different.”
But when we grow up we spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to differentiate ourselves from the crowd, exploring to find our own voice, learning how to design a product that stands out, crafting a story that nobody has heard before.
Reversing our childhood process to fit in is not as easy as it seems.
In our culture we are pushed to fit in rather than stand out; to comply, not to find new ways; to be approved of and liked, not to be true to ourselves.
But when we fully embrace the tension of wanting to be accepted by our peers and finding our own voice at the same time, we open up to the possibility of creating the most amazing work.
Who did you want to be when you were child? What were your dreams, and who were your heroes?
It’s not an irrelevant question. It’s a question that talks to the kid that still believes today that being herself is the most amazing thing that could ever have happened to her.