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Is happiness a business goal?

Most of the business goals that we might think of are measurable, achievable and realistic. So by default we think in terms of numbers and figures: create a product or a service, get X number of customers, increase our turnover by X per cent.

But many of the things that really matter to us are not included in this list of possible goals. How about feeling happier after finishing my work? What about feeling prouder about what I do? What about focusing on delighting every single customer that I interact with today?

This might not hit the headlines for the 2019 Best Business Awards, and that’s scary.

In a world in which we create categories and boundaries for everything that we do, it’s strange to constantly hear people talking about connection.

It seems that we live more and more in little parcels and bubbles. The posts we see, the articles we read, the tribes we belong to can create community and separation at the same time.

There is a choice that we can make when it comes to setting our goals: we can include ourselves too. By including what matters to us, we give others the chance to be included too. By taking into account goals such as feeling proud or bringing meaning, we’re opening them up for others, not only as customers but also as people.

And the thing is that in our hyper-digitalised world, people want to be seen more than anything. They want to be seen as people, not just as customers, because we all thrive for real connection.

Before we do that, we might need to dare to bring ourselves into the picture too. Because at the end of the day, connection is a two-way road; from me to you, and from you to me.



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